<a href="https://asap-marine.com/en/sea-hawk-xl-dual-colour-floodlights" title="Get the best of both worlds. Use Hella Marine's SeaHawk XL Dual Colour Floodlights to give two colour options in one."><img src="" data-thumb=""data-desktopImage="https://asap-marine.com/images/thumbs/0011993_SeaHawkXL_Dual-Colour_Website_Banner_1450x300px-2.jpeg"data-desktopThumb="https://asap-marine.com/images/thumbs/0011993_SeaHawkXL_Dual-Colour_Website_Banner_1450x300px-2.jpeg"data-mobileImage="https://asap-marine.com/images/thumbs/0011994_SeaHawkXL_Dual-Colour_Website_Banner_600x400px-2.jpeg"data-mobileThumb="https://asap-marine.com/images/thumbs/0011994_SeaHawkXL_Dual-Colour_Website_Banner_600x400px-2.jpeg"alt="Hella Marine SeaHawk XL Dual Colour Floodlights" /></a>" data-effect=fade data-slices=15 data-boxcols=8 data-boxrows=4 data-animspeed=500 data-pausetime=5000 data-directionnav=true data-controlnav=true data-controlnavthumbs=false data-pauseonhover=true data-prevtext="" data-nexttext="" data-mobilebreakpoint=767>
Lenco is the industry leader in electric trim systems and actuators. With a wide range of sizes, and the ability to customize, Lenco has the right trim system for any boat.
PRODUCTS Actuators & Accessories, Auto Glide Automatic Boat Leveling, Electric Hatch Lifts, Electric Trim Tabs, Rocker Switch Kits, Tactile Switch Kits, Trim Tab Retrofit Kits
Used as an alternative method by routing the actuator wires through the transom above or below the waterline. Contents: (2) mounts, (2) gland seals and (6) mounting screws. Clam shell packaged.
Stainless Steel Non-locking Slide Bracket For hatch lifts. In case of power failure, this bracket allows you to pull the hatch open a minimum of 5" (12.7 cm) in order to remove bolt for access.
The series that started the electric revolution! Our original Trim Tab design and still the most popular series we build. Ideal for most common style boats from center console fishing boats to cuddy cabin cruisers. Boat lengths 14' (4.3 m) to 69' (21 m).
Designed for boat applications where a lower actuator mounting height is desirable. Actuator mounts at the trailing edge of the blade giving it a ½" (1.3 cm) lower mounting height on 9" (22.9 cm) long blades & 3" (7.6 cm) lower mounting height on 12" (30.5 cm) long blades. All edges are turned up for added strength and style. Boat lengths 14' (4.3 m) to 36' (11 m).
Engineered to fit behind ladders. This unique design gives you all the benefits of a standard tab in an ultra compact design. These kits are updated with 11-gauge stainless steel blades. Boat lengths 14' (4.3 m) to 25' (7.6 m).
Our first series designed specifically for performance. This system comes equipped with a thicker reinforced hinge and complimented with an Electro-Polished finish for added quality and protection. Boat lengths 13' (4 m) to 40' (12.2 m).
The Heavy Duty series is designed & built for the boats that need extra strength to support them in rougher water at higher speeds. Boat lengths 18' (5.5 m) to 42' (12.8 m).
12-Volt with 2' (61 cm) leads and deutsch connectors. In-line motor design delivers over 500 lbs. of force. Includes high impact, corrosion proof mounting brackets and stainless steel pull pins.
Complete your Lenco single actuator trim tab system with the latest, maintenance-free, Standard (ALL-IN-ONE) integrated tactile switch kit design. This switch technology improves accuracy and integrates the control box functionality into the key pad bezel.