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The STEYR MONOBLOCK DIESEL engine family consists of several design solutions which are the key for highest power density, reliability and safety in operation under all operational profiles and environments. The engines are specifically designed and built for Marine applications. Due to the exceptional robust cooling behavior and the reliable operation even with poor fuel qualities the STEYR MONOBLOCK engines achieved a unique image with boat manufacturers and operators around the world.
The Steyr Monoblock Diesel is a highly efficient single casting from special high tensile alloy. The design shows a "free liner", with a uniform and most effective cooling jacket, valve seats from "Stellit" material, inserted valve guides. Due to the fact that the design is free from high torque cylinder head bolts and gasket there is no deformation to the roundness of the cylinders, no extra stress from different temperature levels.
Only a Steyr Monoblock Diesel design offers an unlimited flow of cooling water to provide a uniform and effective cooling in the most critical upper section of the cylinder line, while conventional cylinderblock / cylinderhead - design always result in "hot spots" and extra stress due to different temperature levels and pre-stress from cylinderhead bolts.
Durability, safety and robust cooling behaviour were the guidelines of the design and led us to this unrivalled product range of compact High Speed Diesels.
The Steyr Monoblock engine family is equipped with a high pressure STEYR Unit Injector with two stage injection nozzle and up to 2000 bar injection pressure. Design and material selection have been especially matched to operate the engines with many types and qualities of fuels like Diesel (F54, EN 590ff), Kerosene (JP8 / F34) or Maritime Diesel fuel.
Get more detais about Steyr Marine Engines by contacting us or visiting Steyr's website at www.steyr-motors.com
The MO 4-cylinder engine series of STEYR MOTORS comprises long established, globally trusted engines based on the unique Monoblock design with patented 2-stage unit injection technology. Besides an outstanding power-to-weight ratio, the series' supreme operational safety, robustness and long service life are highly appreciated on the market.
Based on the proven and trusted 4-cylinder Monoblock concept of STEYR MOTORS, the SE 4-cylinder engine series has been further enhanced and especially designed for more torque at lower speed. The series is intended for installation with sterndrives, but does also allow other propulsion systems.The SE 4-cylinder series also features the outstanding power-to-weight ratio known from the MO series as well as the supreme operational safety, robustness and long service life.
The SE 6-cylinder engine series of STEYR MOTORS has a vast application potential as well as a huge variety of options to individualize the engines. With a remarkable power-to-weight ratio and an extremely compact design, the engines of this series are allrounders on the global commercial and leisure boat market. Due to its excellent torque and speed range, the still growing SE 6-cylinder series masters all challenges with ease. The engine series allows the installation of different propulsion systems, leaving the choice between sterndrive, transmission and water jet system to the customer.