<a href="https://asap-marine.com/en/sea-hawk-xl-dual-colour-floodlights" title="Get the best of both worlds. Use Hella Marine's SeaHawk XL Dual Colour Floodlights to give two colour options in one."><img src="" data-thumb=""data-desktopImage="https://asap-marine.com/images/thumbs/0011993_SeaHawkXL_Dual-Colour_Website_Banner_1450x300px-2.jpeg"data-desktopThumb="https://asap-marine.com/images/thumbs/0011993_SeaHawkXL_Dual-Colour_Website_Banner_1450x300px-2.jpeg"data-mobileImage="https://asap-marine.com/images/thumbs/0011994_SeaHawkXL_Dual-Colour_Website_Banner_600x400px-2.jpeg"data-mobileThumb="https://asap-marine.com/images/thumbs/0011994_SeaHawkXL_Dual-Colour_Website_Banner_600x400px-2.jpeg"alt="Hella Marine SeaHawk XL Dual Colour Floodlights" /></a>" data-effect=fade data-slices=15 data-boxcols=8 data-boxrows=4 data-animspeed=500 data-pausetime=5000 data-directionnav=true data-controlnav=true data-controlnavthumbs=false data-pauseonhover=true data-prevtext="" data-nexttext="" data-mobilebreakpoint=767>
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