The Output Interface provides an intelligent replacement for traditional circuit breaker and fuse panels. It has six high power, robust output channels which provide the power supply, control and fusing for a circuit as well as integrating many other features such as timers and dimmers. Connection to the unit is simple: a large 6-way plug allows connections to cables of up to 16 mm2 (6 AWG) in size, or multiple smaller conductors. No need for specialized crimp terminals and expensive crimp tools to be carried for terminations to CZone, just a blade screwdriver. A protective flexible boot offers protection to the connections from harsh environment conditions.
Utilising proven CZone® digital switching technology the Contact 6 PLUS is a robust and affordable digital switching solution. Featuring 6x 15A solid state ignition protected fused outputs with circuit bypass for system redundancy. The Contact 6 PLUS can be networked into an existing CZone system or installed stand alone with the CZone Waterproof Keypads or compatible Multi-Function Displays.
The Switch Control Interface provides an interface between the CZone network and the traditional mechanical switches with which manufacturers and users are familiar. The SCI simplifies your wiring, supports your existing choice of switches, protects against failures and allows for more installation options.
The Signal Interface connects the CZone system to your external sensors, alarms and switching devices. The SI allows intelligent, automated operation of circuits depending on the state of the input.